Teacher Registration
Fill out this form to register as a teacher on this site. You will be sent a username and a password, which you can change if you wish by clicking on the lost password option the next time you log in. Once registered and approved, you can come back here to update your details.
You have around 20 words in the short description and about 150 words in the “More about me” section.
If you are not a Yoga Academy qualified teacher, select ’Recommended teacher’ under ’Type of registration’ and enter a justification in the ’Notes’ field as to why you should be listed on this site.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
The form below collects your contact details and any personal details that you supply in order to advertise your Yoga teaching credentials and contact information to interested parties. You have the ability to hide your real email address and telephone numbers if you wish and you can edit your details once your registration has been accepted and confirmed. If you wish you may also completely delete your details in order to comply with your rights to be forgotten by this site.